Wednesday, July 24, 2013

NASA Johnson Style

2012 brought a flood of Gangnam Style video parodies. 2012 also brought us the spectacular landing of NASA's Curiosity land rover on Mars. Put those two together and you get NASA's Gangnam style video.

There are tons of cool things that have come out of NASA and space exploration. Let's go old school......a computer joystick! Or how about those ear thermometers? Yeah, they came from the JPL (Jet Propulsion Laboratory) working with another company to have a thermometer they could use in space! Firefighters can thank NASA for their fire gear, air tanks, flame detectors, and radios. The list is long. Really long. Take a peek.

The above video was created by some of NASA's summer interns. NASA has a great intern program, ranging from Engineering internships to Office Support internships. Seriously!

You might want to reconsider those Math and Physics classes. Lots of potential careers at NASA for those who major in Aeronautical or Mechanical Engineering.

Check out the World's Best Universities for Mechanical Engineering or Aeronautical Engineering. 

If these float your boat but you want more than just your high school curriculum, do a Google search of online physics courses and also check out your local junior college. Many high schools allow you to take college classes and use those credits towards your graduation requirements. They might even allow credits from online courses!

Your career path. Your choices. Own them.