Thursday, April 01, 2010

Jaime Escalante - A True Educational Hero

Jaime Escalante, the high school teacher whose ability to turn out high-achieving calculus students from a poor Hispanic neighborhood in East Los Angeles inspired the 1988 film “Stand and Deliver,” with Edward James Olmos in the starring role, died Tuesday March 30th near Sacramento.

I loved the movie but, more importantly, I was impressed with what Jaime did as a teacher. The article Stand and Deliver Revisited  really delves into the obstacles Jaime had to overcome in order to make a difference for students.

There are a lot of teachers who are well meaning but they lack the skills to really teach.  You will be lucky to have 2 - 3 really good teachers during your tenure as a K-12 student. Latch on to them. The remainder of your education you'll have to take into your own hands -- sad as that may sound.

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